
Sponsored Video Streaming: Is change a-comin'?

I mentioned in my last post of this series the lessons to be learned from the music industry, one of which was changing your mindset. I argue that this is absolutely critical, because consumers are already changing their ways. We need to be prepared to change with them, just learn how to corral their behaviors into ways we can also benefit.

Just yesterday I read this article from AdAge about how the cable networks won't be getting a site like Hulu anytime soon. David Sazlav, CEO of Discovery Communications, was quoted saying: "The cable channel business is a good business model, and we want to continue to be partners with distributors. We don't want to train [viewers] to watch our best shows on [free online] platforms. Most of our research shows if we move our content mostly in clips, we can create an environment where we can mostly satisfy our viewers with consumer content on other platforms but do it in a way that doesn't take away from our core business."

Just sayin', this is the most frustrating thing for people like me who really like to watch content online. I'll spend way too much time trying to find the whole thing only to discover my time was wasted.

Zaslav argues that the model doesn't need fixing just yet. But in this industry (and really any industry,) getting ahead means thinking ahead. Don't wait for necessity to force you into taking up strange bed partners. See this opportunity and grow with it.

Remember this? "The fundamentals of our economy are strong." Yeah. The people who hold onto the ship while it sinks are the ones that get sucked down once it finally submerges. Just jump.

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