Nope. Execution isn't there. Started with too broad a strategy and left us assuming they had something up their sleeve. Nope. No pay off. Just exaggerated personalities and situations.
I dunno about you guys, but when my CD calls a meeting to say the tag line is dead, it ALWAYS ends with the neurotic must-prove-myself woman being too eager for another chance to come out on top, the juniors being sullen and spurned, and the rest of the crazy creative department going ape shit 'til someone yells over them all.
But hey! Good to know that if I was single (and bisexual) I could be getting hot chicks during the work day. Then again, I'm the one engaged to a copywriter. Guess I win after all.
(Who knows? Maybe people who like TV more than I do will be into it. But I won't go out of my way to watch next week.)
So Mason's leadership is questioned and his reaction is to kill a tagline that was stolen by sabotaging it in focus groups that he recommended to the client. Trust Me indeed.
Hah, yes. Precisely. As if advertising doesn't get a bad enough rap as it is.
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