
Fighting consumer skepticism (and TIVO?) with unique media

On a number of occasions I've talked about how brands aren't using sponsored video streaming online to its fullest potential. Namely, they have the chance to do something great having sponsored an entire episode of a show. But having realized this and wondered vaguely how TV could learn from this, I think I've come to a conclusion.

In an age of cynicism and skepticism, what if a brand sponsored an entire show, and put the entire commercial time in one long chunk after the program? They'd likely win a lot of points with consumers, and furthermore, the long-format opens up a myriad of opportunities in terms of content. Double points-- no frustrating commercial breaks, and innovative branded communication that can entertain on a longer, deeper level.

ABC, say goodbye to "commercial interruptions."

Side-note: While I know a few shows have tried commercial-free showings, they haven't used the opportunity to their advantage, using the 20 minute commercial space for anything beyond a brief sponsorship message and then have the rest of the space sold to others.

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